Location: Israel

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I Accept the Holocaust

I accept the Holocaust.
If required to, we can vindicate the ways of G-d to man.
The G-d Who talked to Moses, Who called to Jonah.

Moses was reluctant to approach Pharoah..
Jonah certainly went out of his way to avoid having to act as G-d's spokesman and confront the King of Nineveh.

Why does G-d need a human representative anyway?

A human has to choose to act to affect his environment, to influence his future, or there can be no free will.
Human behavior is the responsibility of humans; if G-d forced us to do anything, it would be a denial of our free will.
So some people are approached by G-d, Who encourages these chosen spokesmen to address leaders and sinners and to convince them to change their ways.

Now let's get back to the Holocaust. Imagine it's Germany in the 1930s. Let's say Frankfurt am Main. And you're Jewish.
Suddenly, you start hearing a voice telling you to go to Hitler and warn him to stop.
What would you do?
Let's assume you argue with the voice: "How will I even get in to see Hitler? You have to be pretty high-ranking to get near him. They wouldn't let a Jew near him. And even if I could talk to them, they wouldn't be impressed. Whatever I show them they'll say it's done with concealed loudspeakers and trick photography. Or drugs and hypnosis – Jewish trickery."
Or suppose you're too Teutonic to engage in petty disputes with voices to whom you have not formally been introduced: suppose you're a sane man. What would you do?
Maybe you'd take the train to Vienna to consult with Doctor Freud concerning these auditory delusions.
At any rate, it is clearly conceivable that a twentieth century Jonah might have tried to run away rather than attempt to arrange a face to face audience with Adolf Hitler.

The Holocaust, then, occurred because man has free will – even the freedom to attempt to ignore G-d.


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