From Yerushalayim With Love

Location: Israel

Thursday, April 20, 2006

April 20

Wow! It's Hitler's birthday.
What shall I give him as a gift?
Maybe a framed photo of me
In my livingroom
In Jerusalem.
A family photo would be better
A collage of recent get-togethers
Celebrations weddings births
In Israel in America in London.
No. Why waste a frame?

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

April 17

Negev, Israel.
Pesach 5766

Flash flood. So instead of a hike, a stroll in a safer, dryer wilderness. The waterfall overlooks a verdant canyon slope.

Perhaps because the recent rain had washed it up, I found a seashell. It remains from ancient times, when sea covered the Negev. So it must be millenia old.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Is Hump-ty Dump-ty nothing more than an ancient way of saying
Love 'em Leave 'em ?

Monday, April 10, 2006


From:... Date: Mon Apr 10, 2006 7:06 pm Subject: Re:.... 's Aliyah
Offline Send Email
--- In
> Just to let all the group members know that, if all goes according
> my best-laid plans, I intend to emigrate to Israel on September 6,
> Love,
> David
Predictably, plans plans best laid plans, gang oft agleeful egglay,
awry. My tenancy of this apartment began on August 15, 2005. I
arrived -
Thank you Michael, Bina, Nechama (you put my doorkey into my airport
fingers, then ambled off to find your way home) when I made Aliyah -
The landlord last month mentioned again he meant to sell the
Therefore I bear in mind where it floats light yet tense, somewhere
my cerebrum a little to the right of where I keep the barrage
in the back of my mind I am aware that I'll be somewhere else on
Tuesday, August 15, 2006. Fancy: If I find and fortuitously finagle
fistful of funds to finance its purchase a permanent address.
All right or awry.
You, dear family member or friend the family knows, are hereby
to visit and be my guest until July (not all at once, please), after
which we'll have to see where and how I'm living.
Living? My pension promises to be sufficient to subsist on if I
purchase nothing construed as unnecessary to sustain a modest home,
wardrobe and stomach. Of course, when I do purchase a home I'll have
make mortgage money.
I enjoy not having an employer, which forces me finally to force my
fingers to the keyboard. I have always been a writer, sadly I seldom
sat and wrote. Now I admit I am a writer - not often enough a good
one -
now I declare I am a writer, which should expain my... I mean, explain the taxing syntax.

Right. If anyone asks, tell them I'm a writer.

Don't say I never told you.

Chag Sameach!


Sunday, April 09, 2006

This Year in Jerusalem

In fact I'll be in Kfar Saba for the Seder.
I do not feel literary or even particularly communicative, but feel an obligation to blog something (in order to avoid Pesach cleaning).

Pesach promises me freedom. Counting the Omer is a magnificent opportunity for daily focus on self-improvement.

I look forward to being able to eat out casually this Pesach.
And not having to explain or wonder what others think - ah, memories of the Teachers' Room!

Recalling that as a small child I remember the wireless announcing that Al Jolson died, I Googled him and discovered he died when I was about three and a half. Perhaps the memory stuck with me because I told my mother: I remember telling someone, and I vaguely remember her looking at me from the scullery door. Perhaps the incident stuck because it was some kind of precociousness on my part.

I must return to my Pesach cleaning.