From Yerushalayim With Love

Location: Israel

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tzippy Livni

document.write("Edit/script>Family members of victims of Arab terrorism wish to sue the Palestinian Authority - but cannot do so until the Foreign Minister issues a decision determining whether or not the PA is immune to such suits. The families have therefore decided to take the unprecedented step of filing a court order demanding that Livni be either arrested or fined for "contempt of court."

Another case of Israel's government not knowing how to conduct themselves when Arabs are involved. Livni doesn't want to upset anyone. Too bad she and other government members are not so tentative when dealing with Jews.

Never in history has an Israeli government minister been the subject of a legal request to be deemed in contempt of court. The punishment for such is either a monetary fine or incarceration until the guilty party adheres to the court order.

The petition against Livni states that it is predicated on the fact that if governmental authorities - and certainly the Foreign Minister - do not adhere to court orders, this is liable to lead to a drop in public trust in the law enforcement system.

If Foreign Minister Tzippy Livni doesn't know what to do she should resign; if she knows what to do and doesn't do it she should be arrested. She's worried about keeping her job,which interferes with her doing her job. That's the current Israeli government for you.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tzviyah Sariel

So much to repair....
This eighteen year-old religious girl who's commenced her fourth month in an Israeli jail: Her name is Tzviyah Sariel.
The judge was too ashamed to announce the decision publicly - or possibly she suddenly had to rush to the bathroom - and she left a stenographer to announce the additional month in captivity. It is apparent that the government, through the state prosecutor, had decided what must happen, and sadly the judge went along. So this court had nothing to do with justice.
The government and their toadies have so demonized those pioneering settlers who believe in Judaism's dream of one nation, under G-d, that they do not view the settlers as human beings, but instead merely as interchangeable nuisances.
Obviously, what made it hard for the judge was the unexpected twist of mistaken identity. The sentence had been determined in advance: the accused was going to be released only if she cooperated. What the prosecution had overlooked, however, included the common decency of the elderly Arab who had been expected to testify against the accused. Despite the urging of the police and the prosecution, he refused to punish an innocent young girl. The girl who had abused him had been released. He and another witness testified that Tzviyah had done nothing more than shout. But instead of accepting that it was a case of mistaken identity, dismissing the charges and releasing Tzviyah, the judge condemned the witnesses. She really couldn't do much else because, before the hearing, she had obviously agreed with the prosecution on the sentence, and the prosecution had determined that their prisoner needed to be taught a lesson, that an example had to be set to show the futility of resistance.
What the trial shows, however, is that the government is corrupt and needs to be resisted. Indeed, the government needs to be overthrown, and replaced by leaders who believe that Israel belongs to the Jews, who accept the burden of being a light to the nations and, as such, must do what is right in our eyes, regardless of the opinions of others.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Yom Kippur is Like Purim, so Now is Like Rosh Hashanna

It just occurred to me that since Yom Kippur, as can be shown by Hebraic etymological exegesis, is "Like Purim," then a day "Like Rosh Hashanna" could aptly precede Purim. A time of introspection, repentance, resolve could come nine or ten days before Purim. A propitious time to return to blogging.
This is the best of times and the worst of times for blogs.
There are some tremendous blogs out there: all you need to find or to write a good blog is time and access to the internet. I bet these insightful, articulate people instead of merely being bloggers could be - and in some cases are - philosophers, poets, playwrights, statesmen, teachers, physicians, scientists... In blogs appear some of the most profound observations and analysis to be found in contemporary letters. And some are delightfully well written, lucid and entertaining. So it is the best of times: the best talent is producing the best blogs.
But it is also the worst of times for those of us who love Israel. Worse and worse the situation has been becoming. Israel is wrongly criticized by other countries for its conduct in the Middle East conflict; the country is being led by people who want Judaism - the key to Israel's existence - to be destroyed.
And now, after these few garbled paragraphs, I am hungry. What better excuse to end this post.
Wonder how soon I'll choose to write again.